Alice A. Bailey was born on the 16th. of July 1880 in Manchester, England. The first 28 years of her life were spent in a relatively “well to do” environment where money was no object. During the course of her life her experiences were many and varied - travel, poverty, loss, failed marriage, hard work, doubt, strong spiritual challenges and, sadness with physical and emotional pain were her constant companions but, an iron will and steadfast and focused determination, pushed her forward to do the work that was her karmic destiny. Despite these physical and emotional limitations, Bailey worked tirelessly for the betterment and welfare of humanity and never ceased in carrying out her karmic mission right up until her death in 1949. Her life is an example for those who, in the modern world, are treading a serious spiritual path. Not all is “light and love” in the emotional sense and a more serious intellectual rigour needs to be applied.
“The Unfinished Autobiography” contains the full story of Alice A Bailey’s life and, as such, is an important teaching on the “way” for the modern new age disciple. Contact with the masters of the race, in particular the “Tibetan” (the master Djwahl Khul), set her apart from the spiritual writers who have come before or since. Alice Bailey’s work developed as a duality – her discipleship service to her own master, Koot Hoomi, which included the establishment of the Arcane School; and her initially reluctant agreement to work with the Tibetan (D.K.) in the writing of a series of books presenting the next phase in the continuity of the Ageless Wisdom teaching for the present and, immediate future. Thirty years work was planned and within 30 days after that period had finished, Mrs. Bailey obtained her release from the limitations of the physical vehicle. The depth and breadth of the resultant body of work stands the test of time and is destined to carry us through to the year 2025. Bailey’s work has influenced many modern writers such as Alan Oken, David Tansley, Piero Ferruci, Roberto Assagioli Torkom Saradarian and especially in the fields of psychology, astrology, healing, and conflict resolution. One of the principal reasons for the writing of this book is not to expand on, or reinterpret, the works of Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master Djwahl Khul, but more to create interest in the 24 volumes of writings that are possibly the most important spiritual writings available today. There are many who are interpreting these works and some who are supposedly “channeling” the Tibetan, (the master Djwahl Khul or D.K.) but, I would prefer to try and inspire the reader to go to the source and ascertain for themselves the authenticity of the material before being influenced by contemporary writers on esoteric philosophy. In fact I will go right out on a limb and say that much of the channeled material that purports to be from the Ascended Masters is spurious, misleading and erroneous. This is not a statement made lightly and it requires the reader to investigate with an open mind and with a desire for the truth, no matter what the impact on one’s established lines of thought, the writings of Alice A. Bailey and compare them to other writings that claim to be from “Ascended Masters” - in other words, cross reference and look for proof.
It is intended that the serious student of esoteric teachings apply what they learn to other areas of their lives and establish a relationship between the inner and outer workings of life – the intention is to create an integrated and synthetic perspective revealing the intricate connections between all aspects of our civilization including science, the arts, politics, healing, good government, sound social programs, the environment, and education; all is relationship from the highest to the lowest and from the infinite to the finite. Alice A.Bailey’s writings are perhaps the only spiritual knowledge that is so broad in its approach and able to unite the many and varied fields of service work available to us. This path is there for the open minded, serious student of the truth and, for those with open hearts and a desire to serve the planet, it’s inhabitants and, all of God’s creation.
I have arranged the books in a certain order for study, which, along with the complete listing of titles, can be found in the back of this volume. It is hoped that all interested seekers read some of the titles and adds the knowledge to their spiritual repertoire, passing on this information to the others they meet along the way. This is by no means meant to be an evangelical mission to convert the “heathens” or to create followers or cultists but to help people to become independent, questioning thinkers with a deeper sense of spirituality, so, beware of those individuals who claim exclusive ownership of knowledge that requires complete and blind obedience to some individual or organization in order to gain access to truth – in many cases only corruption, limitation and negativity is available to the seeker. Alice Bailey’s books indicate the path of the modern occultist – someone who, despite the rigours of everyday life, remains focused toward their soul and the needs of their fellow humanity.
The New Age disciple will have family, jobs, responsibilities, and perhaps power and, authority, but will respond to the true spiritual directives of the soul and apply the knowledge gained to the best of their abilities in whatever environment they are placed. The “saviour complex” is not recommended but a more quiet, measured, and an unobtrusive meeting of the needs of the world. Don’t follow anyone or believe anything, unless from the level of the soul there is a directive to do otherwise. True spiritual wisdom comes in many forms and from different sources so work things out for yourself, trust your intuitive and intellectual capabilities and be ready to change your old way of thinking if you access new and different information. Remember– the soul is your internal guru and teacher and it is the source of “in-tuition”. The planet is undergoing unprecedented change which is in line with spiritual karma and it is imperative for everyone to find a spiritual basis to their lives, not ultimately for selfish gain, but to create a sense of group awareness and consciousness that will be the saviour of the race - Christ consciousness. I hope that I am able to inspire the weary traveler, as well as those who are ready to put their first footstep on the path of return, hopefully helping to save time and energy in the process. I will cover certain topics within this volume but it is done in the knowledge that Alice Bailey’s books provide the real basis and all I am trying to do is alert as many people as possible to the presence of these writings and, hopefully, creating an intense interest in, and attraction for, the truth, speeding up the evolutionary process for individuals, groups and humanity as a whole. I play my role as a fellow student and traveller.
The Ancient Mysteries - “The Golden Thread”
D.K.; The Wisdom Teachings were originally given to humanity by the hierarchy and were in their turn – received by the hierarchy from the Great White Lodge on Sirius. They contain the clue to the evolutionary process, hidden in numbers and words; they veil the secret of man’s origins and destiny. They provide also, when rightly interpreted and correctly presented, the teaching which humanity needs in order to progress from darkness to light and from death to immortality. The mysteries will be restored in different ways for they contain much besides that which the Masonic rituals and religious rituals can disclose; they contain within their teachings and formulas the key to the science that will unlock the mystery of electricity. The mysteries are in reality the true source of revelation, and it can only be when the mind and the will to good are closely blended and, conditioning human behaviour, that the extent of the coming revelation will be grasped, for only then can humanity be trusted with these secrets. They concern those capacities that enable the members of the Hierarchy to work consciously with the energies of the planet. They will put the ordinary psychic powers in their rightful place and guide humanity to their helpful usage. The mysteries will restore colour and music to their correct and rightful place in the world and bring to light the true healing capacities that we are only just beginning to understand. The nature of religion, the purpose of science, and the goal of education will be understood – they are not what we think that they are. The ground is being prepared for this great restoration. The Mysteries are revealed, not primarily by the reception of information about them and their processes, but by the action of certain processes carried out within the etheric body of the disciple. These enable the knowledge of that which is hidden and they put us in possession of a mechanism of revelation and make us aware of certain radiatory and magnetic powers or energies within ourselves and these constitute channels of activity and modes whereby we may acquire that which is the privilege of the initiate to own and use.
“That which is mystery shall no longer be so, and that which has been veiled will now be revealed; that which has been withdrawn will emerge in the light and all men will see, and together they shall rejoice. That time will come when desolation has wrought its beneficent work, when all things have been destroyed, and men, through suffering, have sought to be impressed by that which they have discarded in vain pursuit of that which was near at hand and of easy attainment. Possessed it proved to be an agency of death – yet men sought life, not death” ……...From the “Old Commentary”.
To increase your understanding of the spiritual path look at the origins of modern spirituality. Study Buddhism, early Christianity, alchemy, hermetics and sacred geometry and groups such as the Rosicrucians, Masons, Knights Templar, Gnostics, Golden Dawn and the Theosophical Society and look at the lives of the great teachers such as Jesus, Helena Blavatsky, Appolonius of Tyana, Hermes, Pythagoras, Nostradamus, Rudolf Steiner, Shankaracharya, Milarepa, The Buddha, and Plotinus to name just a few. The Theosophical Society has published good books on the masters and their lives but, some of the modern books on the masters, Hierarchy and archangels are not at all useful when it comes to this topic so they are better avoided. Learn to see relationships between the past and the present as well as how distortions exist within many spiritual teachings and that to have a complete understanding requires a broad knowledge so as to ascertain the relative merits of any teaching or teacher. I think that the success of the “DaVinci Code” indicates that there is an intuitive knowing as to the reality or otherwise of the gospels, Christianity, and the life of Jesus. This is the “esoteric”, “occult” or hidden teaching that will expand into the public domain in such an obvious way that what we now know as the “Christian religion” will disappear and be replaced by a truth based spirituality. In my time as a bookseller I have always felt that any book, such as the DaVinci indicates that there is an intuitive knowing as to the reality or otherwise of the gospels, Christianity, and the life of Jesus. This is the “esoteric”, “occult” or hidden teaching that will expand into the public domain in such an obvious way that what we now know as the Christian religion will disappear and be replaced by a truth based spirituality. In my time as a bookseller I have always felt that any book, such as the Davinci Code, Celestine Prophecy, Conversations With God, that had a runaway success, always had some level of truth at its base or at its core and this was recognized intuitively by the general public even if the total picture was not seen. A book such as this that upsets and challenges the established religious hierarchy is a good thing and perhaps, could be symbolic of the impending end of established religious institutions.
It has been quite amazing to see the knowledge and information from such people as Sir Laurence Gardner in his book “Bloodline of the Holy Grail” and also in “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” by Baigent and Leigh, plus, the many books on the origins of Christianity and the Gnostics, becoming quite commonplace within the community as a whole and not just in the spiritual environment - truth is placed front and centre so that we can see something that normally we would not be exposed to. The “Golden Thread” is the continuous age old teaching lying behind all major religions and philosophies and manifesting as new teachings that revolutionize consciousness in such a way that it causes upheaval, turbulence, and cathartic change. When a new dispensation appeared there was usually hostile reception waiting for it and the teachers, such as Jesus, suffered primarily because what they taught was new and confronting and came into existence to bring about the end of the established order. This established order is represented today by much of mainstream religions, nationalistic and racial groupings, nature based religious teachings, and much of the animistic and shamanistic traditions. Remember that Jesus was in conflict with people who thought that they knew all there was to know about religion, spirituality and the Messiah - much like the religious establishments of today. The new spirituality will confront all that has come before…make no mistake ...we are in for huge and all encompassing change. We will keep all that is needed from past traditions and all the rest will go for everything evolves and any attempt to halt that process is fraught with danger…energy always follows the line of least resistance and any resistance results in a build up of heat and energy with the resultant destruction of that which provides the resistance.
There is a lineage and progression of teachers and teachings that is written in the history of civilization and it documents the spiritual evolution of humanity, our planet and all life forms - some of that history is still secret but much is available to the serious student of the true Mysteries and more is being revealed as time goes on. The esoteric path is one of seeing the hidden or occult aspect of religious and spiritual teachings which lies behind the external or exoteric side of these spiritual philosophies - it is the “Golden Thread”. Ultimately there is no true separation between the major religions because behind the outer manifestations and regalia the message at their heart is the same although they also represent different evolutionary stages and come into existence to anchor on the physical plane certain and distinct kinds of energies. Different members of the Hierarchy have reincarnated as the central figures of religions, philosophies and doctrines so that there is a continuity of presence and their influence has been profound in the course of history through all ages.
“The Golden Thread” by Natalie Banks is a very concise and readable book for an overview of the evolution of the Wisdom teachings. “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly Palmer Hall is also a valuable, serious and highly respected volume .covering all the major mystery schools and their teachings. H.P. Blavatsky has presented a huge body of work by way of “Isis Unveiled” and “The Secret Doctrine”.
Teachers of the Race - The Spiritual Brotherhood
One thing humanity will learn is of the existence of a governing body of enlightened beings who, with the assistance of humanity, influence the destiny of the planet and all life. Most, if not all, races and societies have had their stories and myths of teachers, saviours, guides, superbeings and gods who inhabited a secret spiritual realm and aided their followers only after prayer, invocation, ritual, purification, abstinence or perhaps even sacrifice. Superstition and folklore will give way to conscious recognition, cooperation and contact with the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. Much has been written about Ascended Masters and the White Brotherhood and much has been erroneous, misinterpreted, half-true, or exaggerated. Bailey’s books along with those of H.P. Blavatsky and other Theosophical writers are the closest to the truth and they provide the best and most serious knowledge available.
D.K.; The Brotherhood is a community of souls who are swept by the desire to serve, urged by a spontaneous impulse to love, illumined by one pure Light, devotedly fused and blended into groups of serving Minds, and energized by one life. Its members are organized to further the Plan, which they consciously contact and with which they deliberately cooperate. The Hierarchy of Illumined Minds is a group whose telepathic powers enable them to be sensitive to the mind currents and to register the thoughts of those who personify the mind of God, (the universal mind) and to register the thought forms of those who are as far beyond the Hierarchy of Masters as They, in their turn, are beyond the disciples of the world.The Hierarchy works constantly at the task of awakening the consciousness aspect in all forms, so that it is awakened, expanded and intelligently employed. It directs world events, as far as mankind will permit (for free will and free decision of mankind may not be ignored), so that the unfolding consciousness may express itself through developing and adequate social, political, religious, and economic world forms. They give direction; They throw light; They impress those who are in contact with Them, and through the inflow of ideas and through revelation They definitely influence the tide of human affairs. The Hierarchy directs and controls, more than is realized, the unfolding cyclic cultures and their resultant civilizations. These can then provide adequate forms, temporarily useful for the emerging soul of humanity. The format of cultures and civilizations receives special attention. The Hierarchy receives that esoteric “ Fire of God” which brings to an end cycles, ideologies, organizations, and civilizations, when due and right time comes. This they do in order to make place for that which is better and which will be more adequate and not limiting to the awakening consciousness and emerging life. What in the last analysis is this Hierarchy? It is a great salvaging corps of dedicated, liberated units of life, working in group formation with all forms and lives in all kingdoms, and with all souls particularly. As the Hierarchy so works, its emphasis is solely on the consciousness aspect of all forms; its present agency of salvage and of service is the mind, as it expresses itself through the minds of all humanitarians, all aspirants, all disciples, and of all initiates; the Hierarchy also can express itself through the medium of thought currents and ideas and through them impose its Hierarchical concepts upon the embryonic minds of the general and average public; It also directs the educational work of all nations, so that the undeveloped mass can become – in due turn – the intelligent general public. Platitudinously, the aspirant is told that “when the pupil is ready the Master will appear” He then settles comfortably back and waits, or focuses his attention upon an attempt to attract the attention of some Master, having apparently settled in his mind that he is ready, or good enough. He naturally gives himself a spiritual prod at intervals, and attends spasmodically to the work of discipline and of purification. Steady, prolonged and undeviating effort on the part of aspirants is rare indeed. It is indeed true that at the right moment the Master will appear, but the right moment is contingent upon certain self–induced conditions. When purification has become a life long habit, when the aspirant can, at will, concentrate his consciousness in the head, when the light in the head shines forth, and the centers are active then the master will take the seeker in hand. In the meantime he may have a vision of the master, and may get much real good and inspiration from the contact with the reflected reality, but it is not the Master, and does not indicate the stage of accepted discipleship. Through the medium of the soul, the soul can be known. Therefore seek the light of your own soul, and know that soul as your director. When soul contact is established, your own soul will, if I may so express it introduce you to your master. With all due reverence, again may I add, that the Master waits not with eagerness to make your acquaintance. In the world of souls, your soul and His are allied, and know essential unity. But in the world of human affairs and in the process of the Great Work, it should be remembered that when a master takes an aspirant into His group of disciples, that aspirant is, for a long time, a liability, and often a hindrance. Students over estimate themselves quite often, even when repudiating such an idea; subjectively they have a real liking for themselves, and are frequently puzzled as to why the Great Ones give them no sign, nor indicate Their watching care. They will not and they need not until such time as the aspirant has used to the full, the knowledge that they have gained from lesser teachers, and from books and printed scriptures of the world. Students must attend to the immediate duty, and prepare their mechanisms for service in the world, and they should desist from wasting time and looking for a Master; they should achieve mastery where they are now defeated, and in the life of service and of struggle, they may then reach the point of such complete self forgetfulness that the Master may find no hindrance in His approach to them.
The “Reappearance of the Christ” and the “Externalization of the Hierarchy” by the Tibetan are well worth reading to further the readers knowledge of the Masters of wisdom and the Hierarchy and read anything you can find on the great teachers such as Milarepa, Pythagoras, Count St. Germain, Appolonius of Tyana, Shankaracharya, Christian Rosenkreutz, the disciples of Jesus and Jesus himself to name just a few. Look for quality historical material and not the so called “channeled” information.
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