When the world learns of the law of karma and discovers that anything that we have done that has caused pain and suffering in this life and, that because we will have further lives in which that suffering and pain will have to be redressed, there will be an inevitable shift in consciousness and the way in which we lead our lives. Many people I meet have had experiences of meeting recently deceased partners or family and many have had near death experiences that have altered their views of the material world. In fact I meet very few individuals who do not have some kind of understanding about the reality of life after death. There are so many books available now on reincarnation, near death experiences and contact with “dead” people, as well as movies and television shows, that the idea of life after death has already become quite mainstream. Some of the notable authors are Raymond Moody, Cherie Sutherland, Dannion Brinkley, Peter Ramster, Betty Eadie, Peter Richelieu, Mike Agostini and there are many more.. From my experience past life regression techniques are not a very reliable method of determining past lives because there are too many variables and any resultant conclusions are extremely hard to prove or disprove. Any psychic perceptions, as previously discussed, are also more likely to be error than fact and also there are too many variables and the perceptions are more than likely to be unprovable.
D.K.; As regards those who have passed into the light, whom you want to help, follow them with your love, remembering that they are still the same people, minus the outer limiting shroud or body. Serve them, but seek not that which serves your need of them. Go to them but seek not to bring them back to you. It is physical plane life that is purgatory, and life experience that is the school of drastic discipline. Let us not fear death, or that which lies beyond it. Death if we could but realize it is one of our most practiced activities. We have died many times, and shall die again. Death is essentially a matter of consciousness. We are conscious one moment on the physical plane and a moment later we have withdrawn onto another plane and are actively conscious there. Just as long as our consciousness is identified with the form aspect, death will hold us in it’s ancient terror. Just as soon as we know ourselves to be souls and find that we are capable of focusing our consciousness or sense of awareness in any form or plane at will, or in any direction within the form of god, we shall no longer know death. People are apt to forget that every night, in the hours of sleep, we die to the physical plane and we are alive and functioning elsewhere. They forget that they have already achieved facility in leaving the physical body; because they cannot as yet bring back into physical brain consciousness the recollection of that passing out, and of the subsequent interval of active living, they fail to relate death to sleep Death, after all, is only a longer in the life of physical plane functioning; one has only “gone abroad for a longer period. The process of daily sleep, and the process of occasional dying are identical, with the one difference that in sleep the magnetic thread or current of energy along which the life force streams, is not preserved intact, and constitutes the path of return to the body. In death this life thread is broken or snapped. When this has happened, the conscious entity cannot return to the dense physical body, and that body lacking the principle of coherence, disintegrates.
Read “Death the Great Adventure” by Alice Bailey.
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