"Hello and welcome to the new blog for Atma Esoteric Studies Group. This site is for all those interested in the Wisdom Teachings and especially Alice A. Bailey."

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The principal reason for writing this blog is to put in written form the content of some of my public lectures as well as the basic content of my talks to customers and general public that I meet at conferences, psychic fairs and healing festivals. I have spent a considerable amount of time lecturing and teaching, especially during the 1980’s and 1990’s at what was then called the “School of Esoteric Sciences”, later becoming the “Sydney Esoteric Centre” located in Surrey Hills. I also spent many years working in the Sydney Esoteric Bookshop helping it to become one of the best spiritual bookshops in Australia. In my time there I met people from all walks of life and I was able to meet and work with some of the leading lights in the New Age community from Sydney, Australia and other parts of the world. The spiritual world has attracted me since childhood when I had an interest in ghosts, the supernatural, UFO’s, mysteries, the paranormal, astrology, and spiritual philosophy—it was as though I was born to pursue the spiritual life. In high school I would wag school and hang out at the Theosophical bookshop in Perth—I didn’t really understand all that I was reading but I knew there was something that I thought was real —different from what I was learning at school. After meeting Fred Robinson and his UFO group in 1971, when I was seventeen years old, I immediately became a vegetarian, clean living individual who was on a serious, and very “cosmic”, spiritual quest. Over time I went back and forth between a spiritual life and one of hedonism but when a drug and alcohol based illness forced me to heal myself, via fasting and diet, I decided on a cleaner and more wholesome way of life—from then on my life was definitely different. In 1981 I moved to Sydney from Perth and cleaned my act up completely taking up studies in natural medicine, massage, medical astrology, Chinese massage, psychic development, meditation and personal growth. I come from a typically dysfunctional family but with that came a strong interest in left wing politics, environmentalism, humanitarian ideals and public service, all of which persist to this day and I have given my time to both the Labor party in the past and currently the Greens. I keep up to date with the course of current events both locally and throughout the world….from the viewpoints of insiders and whistleblowers as well as from the mainstream media. Environmental problems and solutions, ecology, economics, politics and prophecy are of particular interest to me because the future of the world is in the balance and the repair and rebuilding of earth is of prime importance to us all. My reading was is very widespread and comprehensive and I have attended many conferences, workshops, lectures and public talks on many different topics. I think I am an “input” kind of person! I like to know as much as I can about as many different topics as I can possibly handle at any one time. My principle line of development has been along that of development of the mind and I love to study as well as talking to people about their lives, interests and motivations. I have seen the worst and best in people counting among my friends and acquaintances criminals, drug addicts, and people who were definitely not on a spiritual path of any kind but, I knew that I was always looked after, guided and protected….by what or whom I cannot truly say - only that when my life was genuinely in danger I was assisted, protected shielded, guided and shown the way of escape.
I see spirituality as a way of life and not an optional extra to be indulged in when times get tough and to be put in the background when all is rosy. If my life is anything to go by, persistence, patience, perseverance, pain, and a sense of humour, are the requirements for approaching what might be called God, deity, spirit or whatever you would like to call him, her or it. Without these qualities, which in the end are the working out in everyday life of higher knowledge, our progress is limited and our ability to serve is compromised. We turn and twist, avoid and reject our calling but in the end there is no option but to face the light and go forward or lose our opportunity and return to do it all again When our sight is fixed and focused things then start to fall into place and the protection and guidance I spoke of earlier come into play. It may take a long time to manifest, but it does and will happen. In a sense we have to qualify for the right to access higher knowledge…it is not given out to everyone because of the risk of misuse and exploitation –it has to be earned….. (This must be known and understood).


"Worrying is praying for what you don't want"
"Just say know"
"Don't join dangerous cults..practice safe sects"