Intention, Choice, and Responsibility
We will learn as time goes on the role we play in creating our own future and ultimately that of our planet. We are conditioned to believe that everything that happens to us is by chance, bad luck or accident so that we think we are powerless and no matter what we do there is always the chance that disaster will strike and destroy us or at least make our life difficult in some way. Insecurity, loneliness, depression, sadness, grief, despair and fear are commonplace today because of this presumed powerlessness - the antidote for which is creativity, confidence and optimism but, how do we attain these attributes without developing an ungrounded and unrealistic approach to life? We must recognize that the source of our pain and our pleasure is determined by where we place our intent and upon the choices that we have made. These attitudes in my case have been determined by personal experience and application in real life. Anything that happens to me is not dependent on the stars, numbers, chance, God, angels or anything else - I am responsible for everything that happens - the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between The immediate response of people is to say “I didn’t make all those bad things happen, it was an accident, it was someone else’s fault, I’m powerless, I’m a victim etc.” When we think in this way, our power is given away and we lose the ability to influence events in a conscious way. The universe proceeds under law and order so this must be show itself in all areas of creation - all is consciousness. To become fully conscious we must realize that we are an integral part of that law and every effect has a cause - and that cause may be karmic, from the mind or emotions, or perhaps a choice that was made from the soul , the personality, the subconscious or unconscious. Look at anything that happens in your life as a result of your intention misplaced or otherwise and there will be no excuses, shame, blame or guilt. See others in the same light and see their responsibility for their own life and that judgement and criticism are unnecessary.
As we pursue our spiritual goals there comes a time when free will must give way to spiritual will - self- centredness must give way to inclusiveness, personality consciousness to soul awareness. This is the journey from unconsciousness to consciousness. With the increased light comes increased responsibility - our personal desires, ambitions and needs are moved to the background and our life is lived in the realm of causes rather than the world of effects - we become an agent of change and influence - a life lived with purpose. I think that another aspect to this is living our lives with dynamic purpose - with an attitude of detachment and stillness. Esoterically this would be seen as “the mind held steady in the light.” This is where the mind, emotions and physical body are stilled so that the soul can impress itself upon the brain and the mental body and a true knowing is available That knowledge is based in truth to the disciple.. My personal process of consciously taking responsibility for everything in my life was an incredible experience. It was freeing, liberating, and I felt it throughout my body as a subtle energy flow shifting and changing my mental, emotional and physical constitution. What followed was a reliving of many of the times in my life when I had peak experiences which was uplifting, calming, joyful and gave me and a very strong sense of oneness and connection. Responsibility has a negative connotation in most peoples minds almost like a weight on our shoulders so it is wise to create another perspective that is one of acceptance accompanied by awareness of our ability to influence events by way of our ownership of our attributes as well as faults.
I think the biggest issue for people is that of “control”. Many of us are “control freaks” and we are being controlled, trying to control or losing control. It is imperative that we let go of all these notions so that we become free and allow all others the same freedom. If we are truly to live in the “now” then we must realize that controlling anything is not possible - I like the phrase “let go and let God”.
The Secret
There has been some talk lately about “The Secret”. Its not really a secret because the law of attraction has been known by many people for a long time. If there is any kind of secret it is this; enlightenment and higher consciousness are ultimately the sources of happiness, prosperity and freedom. This is achieved by having a fluid, open and awakened mind, utilizing the intellect, thinking logically and sequentially as well as stilling the emotions and the psychic nature so that we don’t react in an emotional and personal way - don’t take things personally. Take complete personal responsibility for everything in your life. Give from your heart to all with no thought of repayment. Let go of fear, hate, selfishness, criticism, judgement, prejudice, jealousy, spite, victimization, control, self loathing, self centredness, and develop the virtues of generosity, selflessness, love, goodwill, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, justice, fairness, kindness, and charity. Do all these things without demand, expectation of reward, self congratulation, or pride and see what happens. From my personal experience a whole new world opens up and our old ways of viewing the world are transformed and a sense of connection, wonder and oneness becomes the normal state of being. So when anyone tells you they know “the secret” they may be telling you the truth but know that the real secret lies in your own heart. We all have a definite and important role to play in the creation of a new and better world - and we can serve from wherever we are at this very moment in space and time irrespective of whether we feel we have the capabilities or not - this is no secret.
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