The Question of Purity (Nutrition, Fasting, and Cleansing)
D.K.; Most religions have emphasised purity, cleanliness, fasting and particular dietary regimes as integral practices in the spiritual life of the devotee either as something permanent or perhaps following certain times of the year, month or week and it has been ritualised to increase the significance and impact. Esoterically this could be seen as; “the building in of matter of the higher subplanes, and the elimination of the lower coarser matter.” This is needed because it is impossible for those with coarse bodies to contact high vibration. It is impossible for the soul to transmit the higher knowledge and guidance through a coarse physical body and it is impossible for the loftier currents of thought to impact the little evolved brain. Hence the refinement of the physical body is an essential by eating pure food, cleanliness, sleep, sunshine and a strict vegetarian diet. Each disciple should be strictly vegetarian because the lower nature becomes clogged and heavy, and the inner blaze cannot shine forth when meat is part of the diet. This is a drastic rule for applicants and may not be violated although aspirants can choose to eat meat or not as they prefer, but at a certain stage upon the path it is essential that all meat eating be stopped, and the strictest attention must be paid to diet. A disciple must confine themselves to vegetables, grains, fruits and nuts and only thus can they build the type of physical body that can stand the entry of the real person who has stood in his subtler bodies before the Initiator. It must of course here be recognized that no hard and fast rules can ever be laid down, except the initial one for all applicants for initiation; meat, fish, and fermented liquors of all kinds, as well as the use of tobacco, are absolutely forbidden and for those who can stand it, eggs and cheese are sometimes better eliminated from the diet. It is known esoterically that the vegetable kingdom is the transmitter and the transformer of the vital pranic fluid to the other forms of life on our planet….Those who seek to read the akashic records, or who endeavour to work on the astral plane with immunity, and there to study the reflection of events in the astral light correctly, have perforce and without exception to be strict vegetarians. It is this ancient Atlantean lore which lies behind the vegetarians insistence upon the necessity for a vegetarian diet and it is the failure to conform to this wise rule which has brought about the misinterpretations of the astral and akashic records by many of the psychics of the present time and given rise to the wild and incorrect reading of past lives…only those who have been for ten years strict vegetarians, can work thus in what might be called the “record aspect of the astral light”. When they add to their purified astral and physical bodies the light of reason, and illumination of the focused mind then they become accurate interpreters of astral phenomena. The use of animal food (and the use of minerals (petrochemicals) as medicine in a lesser degree) has produced a co-mingling of deva substance, and of vibrations that are not attuned to each other. The vegetable kingdom is in a totally different situation, and part of its karma lies in the providing of food for man. This has resulted in the needed transmutation of the life of the plant kingdom into the higher stage (the animal) which is its goal. The transmutation of vegetable life takes place necessarily on the physical plane – hence its availability as food. The transmutation of the life of the animal into the human kingdom takes place on the kama manasic levels – hence the non availability, esoterically understood, of animals as food for the human. Plants evolve through ingestion and animals evolve through contact with humanity. As the disciple lives a regulated life – avoids meat, nicotine, and alcohol, and practices continence, the pineal gland becomes no longer atrophied and resumes its normal activity. It is known esoterically as the “light in the head”. If the idea of a vegetarian diet seems to radical a step to take it might be something that you want to try every now and then to see if there is any difference in your life.
My theory is that, over time and perhaps in the immediate future, many people throughout the world will change the way they eat and the environment will be the better for it. The most important point to remember is that there are negative karmic implications in the exploitation, persecution, and killing of members of the animal kingdom by humanity through ignorance or otherwise. It has been said that humanity will never see peace until peace is made with nature and the animal kingdom.
There are many good books to read regarding vegetarianism but Peter Singer’s new book (“The Way We Eat; Why Our Food Choices Matter”) on the ethics of killing animals is one of the best sources of information available on the topic. Ultimately, a vegetarian diet is not followed because of health benefits, although there is definitely much to be gained in this regard, but it is more to create a better and stronger spiritual body that will be able to handle more intense spiritual energies that will benefit the planet - it is part of service work.
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