Meditation - Communing With the Soul
Meditation is possibly the most important practice we can undertake on the spiritual path and perhaps it is the single most important activity that we will learn in our whole life. It is easily learned but not easily mastered. There are many techniques that range from total silence, to chanting mantras, holy verses, creative visualization, and we are told that we should sit, stand, lie down, walk, have our eyes open or closed and that it should be done only at certain times of the day and only under certain conditions otherwise we will probably fail. Many gurus ask that we must meditate on them, their image, or, some one or other deity and, if we do this, we will become enlightened and free from karma and full of divine grace but, it is not as simple as that although, at the same time, it is not complicated. In reality, meditation is free from dogma, religion, or any form of ownership by individuals or groups—it is a process that is natural, instinctive, innate, and in some ways our normal state of being. It might all seem a bit complicated at first but I but I recommend that people start with basic relaxation techniques and learn how to de-stress, relax the body, steady the emotions and still the mind - in fact, do all the things that are associated with meditation but which are usually called “relaxation therapy”. Nearly every religion, spiritual teaching or discipline has had a method of contemplation or meditation that has been a way of communing and communicating with the Creator and as a path to enlightenment and oneness.
Meditation could be defined as “ the prolonged focusing of the attention and the holding of the mind on any desired idea or image”. This is but one definition and as time goes on the definition will change somewhat to more accurately reflect the progress we have made and the increased understanding and awareness that we have begun to possess and express. There are probably as many definitions as there are methods but this definition will suffice for now. Focus and concentration are the hallmarks of meditation but are by no means the only aspects to be cultivated by the student. When we begin the process, stillness and quiet are so elusive to many of us that it seems futile to continue but, persistence has it’s rewards and the benefits are sometimes noticeable very early on in the process although, for most of us, it is a slow and seemingly impossible quest to achieve inner harmony, outer stillness and a sense of peace. It requires patience, dedication, perseverance and most of all, it requires a wise appreciation of time and the necessity for regulation, rhythm, and ritual in our fast paced busy, stressed and emotion driven lives. In other words we have to make the time to be regular and relaxed about our meditation life and not be too hard on ourselves when we are unable to find the space and time but, to make sure we try as hard as possible to sit and focus - letting the cares, worries and stimulation of the day drift away. Rhythm is one of the most important secrets to be learned. Only by a regular and consistent meditation life can we gain the full benefit. This can mean that no matter what the distraction, no matter how enticing the pleasure, in fact irrespective of what is going on around us, if we find the time to sit and contemplate we will gain from the experience. So turn off the T.V., phone, computer and ignore the noise outside, forget what your friends may think, do what is best for your spirit and begin to create an inner space that, after a time, begins to show in your appearance and your positive attitude to the world. This practice should form the basis of your spiritual life irrespective of what path you are on and even for the atheist it is a wise practice to follow because it has health benefits for the body especially the immune system and the nervous system.
There is much written material available so we can find a practice that is suitable for us and many meditation C.Ds and tapes are on the market as well as videos and computer programs so there is no excuse for not participating. Many groups offer teachings as well although I don’t necessarily recommend joining any particular group or organisation but that choice is for the individual however, it is wise to be cautious when dealing with “cult” types of spirituality that demand total devotion to a teacher or teaching as I have previously stated. Avoid paying exorbitant money to learn something that is essentially a normal physical process. Keep your money in your pocket and find a meditation practice that is either free or low cost, non– doctrinaire, non denominational, and doesn’t ask you to join anything or give up your worldly possessions. Psychic perceptions and psychic awakenings are generally a byproduct of meditation and, for some people, this is the principle goal. Karmically this maybe appropriate for certain individuals but for humanity as a whole it will become apparent, as time goes on, that the power of meditation will be understood as a major driving force for the healing, balancing and clearing of the worlds karma. The Aquarian age indicates that group activity will be the dominant method for the creation of a “new age” and our spiritual techniques will reflect this. Humanity is evolving away from the influence of the psychic realm and the mental or mind aspect will become more dominant. Awakening of psychic faculties although exciting, stimulating and appealing to the ego, are in reality a hindrance in general terms, because ultimately they are part of the physical plane and this is the realm of limitation. “Astral travel”, mediumship, channeling, and all forms of psychic activity are likely to delude and side-track the serious spiritual aspirant. Meditation, as explained by the “Tibetan”, is in reality a process where we are able to focus on our soul and draw that energy down into the physical form so that we are able to express the truest and most powerful spiritual energies available to us. The psychic realm often serves to delude us and creates an atmosphere that is at odds with our true spiritual evolution that ultimately at one with the whole of God’s creation. Soul consciousness gives us authority over the psychic realm and we will use this faculty when and if it is needed. The Atlantean civilization was the high point for the development of the astral body and psychic talents but ultimately it was the wrong use of these powers that which led to the downfall of that society. We are now going through a karmic cycle that approximates the end of Atlantis, resulting in our astral bodies being more stimulated and so to counteract this, it is important for us to awaken fully our mental bodies. The mind is a dangerous thing when it is applied in an extreme way as evidenced by the destructive processes that have been unleashed upon the world via war, environmental damage and disease.
Mind, combined with emotional imbalance and karmic liabilities, is the source of our pain but if we are able to focus our soul’s energies through our mental body or mind then we are able to express the truest and most powerful spiritual energies available to us. The psychic realm often serves to delude us and creates an atmosphere that is at odds with our true spiritual evolution that ultimately is that of the whole of God’s creation. Soul consciousness gives us authority over the psychic realm and we will use this faculty when and if it is needed. We are at a stage where we need to “think” and we must try to dispel ignorance wherever it maybe and to seek the truth no matter what the cost. To do this we must still and purify our emotional body and balance, stimulate and awaken our mental body. We will then have accurate vision and understanding unlike emotional/psychic perceptions that are just about always coloured by our own auras. Esoteric meditation utilizes the organised physical, emotional, and mental bodies to establish a constant strong link with the soul and the soul then utilizes the physical form to contact the physical plane thereby cleansing and purifying the atmosphere. This is a process we have set in motion from ages past and, for many, this life will be a high point for realization of our soul’s labour upon the spiritual levels of being. The soul is inherently group conscious (being at one with all other souls) so as we become more soul infused, we will be creating a dynamic, powerful “point of light” that will represent all the soul focused disciples of the world gathered as one. This is not just a hopeful, idealistic, immature perception but something that is real, practical, grounded and purposeful, cooperative and group conscious - these are the hallmarks of the new age. At the same time there is a need for a lack of glamour, sensationalism, ego, pride, and selfishness.
Esoteric or occult meditation is somewhat different from most other forms of meditation in that it is not designed to create relaxation, but is more intended to be an active, focused and powerful mode of service work. The esoteric way is that of self - forgetting so, whatever the task undertaken, it will be for the service of humanity. Most meditation techniques emphasise enlightenment and individual progress as the goal but the ancient, traditional and mystical approach will give way to an organised group process that involves the group soul and not so much the union of the individual with the Divine. Meditation is the pre-eminent method of working within the subjective realms (behind the scenes) thereby influencing reality from the realm of causes rather than from the objective world of effects (the physical “real” world). Using the “Great Invocation” daily is one of the best methods to bring the truth of the spiritual dimensions into the consciousness of humanity.
Pamphlets and booklets that explain the importance, origins and significance of the Great Invocation are available.
Read “From Intellect to Intuition” “Letters on Occult Meditation” and “Light of the Soul” by Alice Bailey.
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